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Formularios en las propuestas
Formularios en las propuestas

Añade formularios personalizados a tus propuestas para recabar la información de los viajeros de forma automática

Alicia Escobar avatar
Escrito por Alicia Escobar
Actualizado hace más de 2 semanas

The form block is a very versatile tool, as it can be used for many different purposes. Let's first see how to set it up with the different types of questions it offers and then the different applications it can have:

Form configuration

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Include all the questions you need depending on the trip: personal data, travel document data, allergies, interest in excursions at the destination... In this way you will have all the information just one click away. The following types of questions are available:

  1. Short/Extended text: for short or detailed answers.

  2. Drop-down selector: ideal for offering several options in a compact menu.

  3. Single choice question: choose only one option among several.

  4. Multiple choice question: allows you to select several answers.

  5. Date: selection of a specific date.

  6. File: the user can attach documents or images.

  7. Country: choose your country of residence or the country of destination.

  8. Checkbox: checkbox where users can accept or not. For example the acceptance of the “Cancellation and Refund Policy”.

Once the form is designed according to your needs, it will be integrated into the proposal, and the results will be available in real time on the travel platform. Once you have designed a form with the questions you need, you can save it in the form library. This will allow you to reuse the content in future proposals without having to set it up from scratch each time and save time. To use it in another proposal, simply drag the form block and import one from your library.

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Uses of the form

  • Booking request form: for the potential customer to complete if he/she is interested in booking the trip.

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  • Form to manage event registrations, so that each attendee can register and complete all their data in a professional way.

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  • Form to book a trip: this form can include all the questions that the agency needs your client to fill in to confirm the booking: uploading a passport photo, telephone number, allergies, any information of interest, etc.

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